BGS Grading Overview

Ready to Submit?

Pre-payment is required to process all BGS orders before they are shipped to BGS.

BGS grading submissions made simple. 

Ready to cash in on your investments or preserve your personal collection?

GotBaseballCards is here to help. Submit your cards with us and we will take care of the heavy lifting. 

  • Base & Standard Grading

    ~6-8 week turnaround


    • $16/card - No Subgrades
    • $19/card - Subgrades


    • $35/card with Subgrades

    Note: No Max Value

*Minimum Quantity: If submission does not meet minimum quantity, there is an extra $30 shipping cost.

Autograph Grade: Cards with autographs are an additional $5/card for automatic autograph grading.

Insurance: Customers have the option to pay for return insurance at a rate of $1.50 per $100 of coverage.

Prescreening Service

We offer an optional Pre-Screening Service.

Detailed Pre-Screening - $5/card

Our expert screeners screen for 9's and 10's, and "reject" cards determined to be 8 or lower.

(Note: This prescreening standard applies to ultra-modern cards)

Our Detailed screening includes markups and details on why cards are rejected.

All screening services include pictures and email communication for rejected cards.

Rejects are returned to you in the same shipment as your graded cards (once they return from BGS).

Our pre-screening service is an optional add-on to our grading services, not a replacement. Any cards approved for grading should be sent to BGS. If you would like your cards only pre-screened without grading, it will cost $10/card.

  • Competitive Pricing

    We believe in honest, up-front pricing. When you submit with us, the price you see is the price you pay for your cards to be graded (except in cases of a BGS upcharge):

    • Optional Pre-Screening costs $3 for pass/ fail and $5 for detailed screening (includes detailed markups). Both screening options include pictures for all rejected cards.
    • Flat Rate Return Shipping is $13 for 1 Graded Card, $15 for 2-5 Graded Cards, $20 for 6-30 Graded Cards, $30-$40 for 30+ Graded Cards
    • Optional Shipping Insurance (only $1.50 per $100/value)
  • Rapid Processing

    We do everything in our power to get your cards to BGS and back to you as quickly as possible.

    • Same or next day check-in of your incoming shipments
    • We ship to BGS multiple days per week
    • Same or next day return shipping of your graded orders